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Thread: Language translator for Classipress

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    Senior Member dazzaboo2000's Avatar
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    Language translator for Classipress


    I am setting up my site for English speakers in Taiwan to buy and sell things. I love the idea of just installing a widget or plugin to translate everything from English to Chinese and visa versa so everyone in Taiwan can view the site. I have tried several plugins, but can't seem to find one that works well with Classipress.

    The one I have installed at the moment is Google Translate, which is great for translating all the pages, except when you click on the home page. Then, all the icon are out of order and it is not possible to click on the ads. Does anyone know how I can fix this with some coding, or even recommend another translator to use. The others I tried were the same as this, except for Google AJAX Translator, which sits just on the post, and is suppoed to translate just that, but when I click on it, noting happens. Does anyone know if this is compatable with Classipress? I don't mind if it just translates the posts, and leaves everything else in Englsh, that would be fine too. But can't use them if it throws everything out of sync on the homepage.

    I have left both Google AJAX translator (above the post) and Google Translate plugged in, so if anyone wants to view my site, you can see the problems. (I have tried one at a time, and still the same problem with each)

    Look forward to someone helping me out, coz this would be an amazing feature to have on my site if I can set it up right.


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