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Thread: New Users Are Not Receiving Confirmation Emails. Help!

  1. #1
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    Post New Users Are Not Receiving Confirmation Emails. Help!

    Hi everyone!

    Im really getting disappointed with classipress right now.

    First off, the theme takes sooo long to show changes ive been making. For example, ive added categories which arent showing--until now. I found that it takes time for changes to show like changing the colors from default to red, etc.

    Second of all, when a new visitor registers, he is not receiving any email.

    Anybody had this problem too?

    Ive read that i need STMP plugin but i dont where to configure it after it been activated or how the settings are going.

    Anyone please put me out of my misery? This theme is not that cheap.

    Would really appreciate a helping hand right now.

    All the best,

  2. #2
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    alxfirst's Avatar
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    Re: New Users Are Not Receiving Confirmation Emails. Help!

    I don't know what your problem is but a few ideea are:
    if you have supercache plugin on that is why the page takes so long to change - happened 2 me too!
    also for the e-mails, your hosting provider may not supprot the mail functions classipress is using or maybe they have a limit!
    so if they have a 50 e-mails an hour limit ... the rest of the mails don't get sent.

    A feature that would be usefoul in classipress would be an e-mai throttling option... that you can set the server limits in it, and parameters, and a cache of some sort that the mails that are over the limits get delayed untill the hour passes .....

  3. #3
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Re: New Users Are Not Receiving Confirmation Emails. Help!

    I agree with what alxfirst says regarding the supercache plugin giving the appearance of the changes being slow..The changes you mention are instantaneous so it's only caching that causes your issue.

    Yes, with regards to people who have commented on issues with the emails, this often relates to the host settings.

    Is it just registration e-mails that aren't being received from the user? What about via the "contact the seller" form, and is admin recieving all the e-mails they should as well?

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