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Thread: .PO file translation problem

  1. #1
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    .PO file translation problem


    yesterday I've downloaded ClassiPress
    At first sight everything seems to be in order, but I've tried to translate the ".po" file ( with notepad, saved in UTF8 ) and nothing happens when the new file is uploaded ( and page refreshed ).

    Is there a specific way to use the .PO file and what it is ?
    What am I missing ?

  2. #2
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    Re: .PO file translation problem

    I'm trying to translate it with Notepad.. and may be something goes wrong.
    I'll try the method, described here: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=76

    and then I'll write again

  3. #3
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    Re: .PO file translation problem

    OK, I'm in the middle of nowhere

    I've istalled the poEdit program and can not save anything more that ".po" file ( in many places they say a ".mo" could be exported ( no such option in the current version of poEdit ?! ).

    Olso when opening the original classipress.po , translating and saving another ".po" - the program says "12 fatal errors ?!".
    Anyway -the file is created.
    but only PO
    no way to make MO

    I've tried to place this bg_BG.po file in the root of the classi theme,
    in wp-includes/languages
    in wp-content/languages
    .. everywhere it should start working
    but NO result.
    *Note that I've changed "define ('WPLANG', 'bg_BG');" the config file. - as they say

    I've read these materials also : ... r_Language

    Anyone who succeeded with the translation of the 2.8 ?

  4. #4
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    Re: .PO file translation problem

    I've traced the errors - they come from the original POT file, that is in this version.
    Simply try to open PoEdit > File > New catalog from POT file ... and it gives the same error message and nothing happens.

    Could this be the problem ?

  5. #5
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    Re: .PO file translation problem

    I've just opened the buddypress PO file , edited in PoEdit and Saved as .... bg.po
    everything was ok and a MO file was generated with the same name.

    so, gyus ... I'll be waiting to upload the new Classipress PO file.

    may be the rest will find this link interesting when translating their Classipress:

    printscreens are provided how to work with PoEdit

  6. #6
    Founder dcowgill's Avatar
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    Re: .PO file translation problem

    Apparently there were duplicate entries in the ClassiPress .po file which are now fixed. I will email you the latest version so give it a try and let me know how it goes.

  7. #7
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    Re: .PO file translation problem

    it worked like a charm !
    thank you.

    so just to clear the steps for others like me:

    1 - download PoEditor
    2 - open classipress.po
    3 - translate
    4 - save as "es.po" ( if you want to translate in spanish ) , make sure along with this file is exported
    5 - take these 2 files and put them in ( created dir if it's not created )

    you are ready!

  8. #8
    Founder dcowgill's Avatar
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    Re: .PO file translation problem

    That's great to hear Ralev. I've updated this post with the correct steps.

    Could you email me your translated .mo and .po file so I can offer it to other ClassiPress users? You will get full credit for the translations and a link back to your site.

  9. #9
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    Re: .PO file translation problem

    step zero 0 - open in the main WP DIR - wp-config.php

    find :

    define ('WPLANG', '');

    change to

    define ('WPLANG', 'es');

    where "es" is the name of the PO and MO file


    About the translation - I think it's very boring, because classipress.po is just a 1/4 of all the usability words...
    So it's kind of annoying to go in every plugin's php file and search for the right strings.
    It's a good idea to make a "psd" package for the picture files. They are not so many, but still annoying and the quality of the image is going down when redesigned and resaved in JPG.
    Also some of the plugins has PO files, but nothing happens when translated and replaced ?!
    Some have to be changed in the WP ADMIN options...
    And I'm still fighting with this.

    Also I have to say - there a lot of strings that has to be added and translated in order to say "this is a translated version".
    Otherwise it will be laying to people who want to buy software in "translated" in any language...

    May be I'll give a shot in the next versions!
    My advise is - put more things in "classipress.po"

    Anybody who has translated the "e-mail" plugin ? Or at least make the translated po file in any language to start working ?

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