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Thread: Registered vs un-Registered

  1. #1
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    Registered vs un-Registered


    My site is not completely finished yet, still waiting for support on the navigation issue and jCarousel Lite. But I don't really expect to get much help here.

    Hopefully I can get some feedback on this topic though.

    My site went online about 2 1/2 weeks ago. Users need to register to post. So far, I have 109 Registered Users & 177 Published Posts (I think it's around 200 posts in total). There is a problem though.

    Of the registered Users, 33 have not posted anything. That's almost 1/3 of my registered users! This makes me wonder, why not?

    I have had a couple contacts through customer support regarding password issues, and I'm worried that perhaps these 33 Users have not received their password/registration email. Perhaps because of spam blockers.

    So I've got a few questions.

    Has anyone else had this problem?

    I'm considering switching to a non-registration system. If I do, what are the draw backs? Can non-registered users still edit their Ads? (probably not, but I don't want to switch it to check it out in case something goes wrong).

    Any help is appreciated.
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  2. #2
    krauses's Avatar
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    Re: Registered vs un-Registered

    I'm struggling with this as well. Although, I'm not so sure it's an email issue. I've never had any of my users say that the password email was not received. But the register>>login>>post classified, process is a bit disconnected. It just seems like a heavy conversion path. Would it be stupid to manipulate the wp-register.php and the wp-login.php files? I don't want to mess with the core files but I think the register/login experiences could be different.

    When my users login I don't want them going to the wp-admin page. I would rather redirect them to their dashboard page or their CP profile so they can choose to edit their ad or continue doing whatever they were doing before having to login. I think first time users get lost in the wp-admin page. Have you had this problem? Can you think of a good way to redirect them to the CP site after login as opposed to the wp-admin?

    In all honesty though, I don't perceive your conversion rate to be all that terrible. Two thirds of your users are converting at this point. That's pretty phenomenal if that ratio were to continue.

    With CP, there's not a ton of features built in for registered users that aren't available for un-registered. The only loss of functionality is what you have already pointed out. Your un-registered users will not be able to edit their posts, but to me, that's a pretty big deal.

    Does anyone have any idea's or modifications for improving the conversion path?

  3. #3
    Veteran sarge's Avatar
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    Re: Registered vs un-Registered

    Thats a really good conversion rate.

    Some people are just serial registers - meaning they will not act on anything -or- maybe they are just buyers.

    The one thing about classifieds, you got to have more buyers than sellers, otherwise sellers will not continue to come back.
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  4. #4
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    Re: Registered vs un-Registered

    I have had the same issues with the "welcome/password email" - people tell me that they have never received it, but every time I test it, it seems to work just fine. Must be a spam trigger.

    I am using the "Change Default Email" plugin (to fix the issue) - could that be the problem? I am using

    Work around, anyone?

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