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Thread: Requring User Registration Prior To Submitting an Ad

  1. #1
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    krauses's Avatar
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    Requring User Registration Prior To Submitting an Ad

    Hey guys,

    I've done quite a bit of mod's/hacks to my ClassiPress and have seemed to have lost a bit of code along the way .

    I require user registration prior to submitting your ad (cp version 2.9.2). However, when an unregistered user clicks on my "post an ad" button it now redirects them to a blank page. My footer and header.php's remain visible but everything else disappears.

    I have the developer license so I still have copies of all original files. However, I can't seem to find the code that controls the error message:

    I have a feeling that code controls that error somehow got deleted or modified incorrectly during one of my hacking sessions.

    All I need is to know where that error code lives so I can see if I can fix it. Any help would be much appreciated!


  2. #2
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    Re: Requring User Registration Prior To Submitting an Ad


    I found my problem. Just in case some of you have had a similar issue, here's what I did wrong.
    I removed the id="ad-toggle" from my post classified button <a></a> link.

    Out of the box the post button is set to:
    I simply removed the id="ad-toggle" which caused my issue.

  3. #3
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Re: Requring User Registration Prior To Submitting an Ad

    Thanks for updating and sharing your solution

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