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Thread: selectable location

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    Unhappy selectable location

    i have my old site demo -----cp 2.9.2 theme

    this site have the category of location selectable, i cant remember the code to do that, can somebody tell how was the code for that solution?

    in post form was

    <label for="location"><?php _e('Location','cp'); ?> <span>*</span> no esta tu ciudad? Sugerila! <span style="display:none;" class='ajax_errors' id='location_errors'></span></label> <select name="country" onchange="htmlData('<? bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/city.php', 'ch='+this.value)" /> <option value="#">- Select Area -</option> <option value="Central">Central</option> </select> <div id="txtResult"> <select name="location"><option></option></select> </div>

    but i put this code and giveme selectable location area but not sublocation

    so, anybody got the code or the way to get selectables locations defined? so that way the user dont have to write in location box anymore, just select one area pre stablished on fields... im usung cp 2.9.3 now

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