Internal Contact Messaging System
Hi All,
Is possible to implement the following or use a plug-in for an internal contact messaging system.
1, All users whether buyer or seller must be logged in order to view the 'Contact Ad Owner' form.
2, A registered buyer who is logged in, views an advert and fills out the 'Contact Ad Owner' form. The seller receives an email saying that they have received a message and must log on to the website in-order to view it (message).
3, The seller goes to the website and logs on (front end) and within my dashboard clicks on 'messages' and reads the message from the buyer and replies to message.
4, The buyer receives an email saying they have received a message and must log on to the website in-order to view it (message).
5, The buyer goes to the website and logs on (front end) and within my dashboard clicks on 'messages' and reads the message from the seller and replies to message.
If this possible to implement or anybody know of a useful plug-in?
Any advice or help would be appreciated.