reCaptcha Integration
I just tried integrating reCaptcha to replace the original capcha anti-spam field. I got the original directions here:
1. Download the reCaptcha.php here and place it in the classipress folder
2. Signup for reCaptcha here and take note of the private and public keys
3. In postform.php look for div class capcha and comment-out the code within this div.
4. Paste the following lines - take note to change the public and private keys to the ones reCaptcha gave after signing up:
<?php require_once('recaptchalib.php');
define('PUBLIC_KEY', '6LcTCgAAAAAAgOdATOWSL66jRLL6ioPibkgMp');
define('PRIVATE_KEY', '6LtYPgAAAAAAbodQWSLAP66jR997ioPibkgMp');
echo recaptcha_get_html( PUBLIC_KEY ); ?>
5. In form_process.php after "<?php" paste the following lines:
define('PUBLIC_KEY', '6LcTCgAAAAAAgOdATOWSL66jRLL6ioPibkgMp');
define('PRIVATE_KEY', '6LtYPgAAAAAAbodQWSLAP66jR997ioPibkgMp');
$response = recaptcha_check_answer(
6. Look for the if-statement that validates the spam field and comment it out
insert a new ifelse statement:
if ( $response->is_valid ) {}
else { $err .= __('The reCaptcha spam field is incorrect') . "
"; }
That's it! Let me know if this works or if you have suggestions in optimising the code