How to load STORE URL
I need to go though and change everything so that any clicks load the STORE URL and not the MERCHANT URL.
I know the change/mod needs to be made in the
theme-functions.php file, and have found the actual line that needs to be updated;
<a href="<?php echo clpr_get_coupon_out_url( $post ); ?>" id="coupon-link-<?php echo $post->ID; ?>" class="coupon-code-link" title="<?php _e( 'Click to copy & open site', APP_TD ); ?>" target="_blank" data-rel="<?php echo wptexturize( get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'clpr_coupon_code', true ) ); ?>">
Does anyone know how I can get this to echo the associated STORE ULR and not the associated post or merchant URL?
I've checked in the backend database (wp_clpr_storesmeta) and can see that the STORE URL is saved as a meta kety called cplr_store_url whereas the MERCHANT URL is saved as a meta kety called cplr_store_aff_url. Sadly despite trying, I've failed to get it to work.