Announcing "Commerce&Classified" - A reasponsive ClassiPres Woocommerce Child theme
Coming Soon On AppThemes Marketplace......!
Well, I am proud to announce that we are back in action with an exciting new revolutionary product. We have got a very good response & reviews from all our customers and considering this, we have developed very new and latest product for all of you, and the name of that product is “Commerce & Classified”. This is one kind of ClassiPress Responsive child theme. I would to share one more thing with you that, on our product page, we have received so many request for WooCommerce integration and giving what people needing, we have come up with a combine Responsive Child Theme, this will communicate very smoothly and easily with WooCommerce & ClassiPress, and you people will be amazed by seeing the working functionalities of our new Child Theme ““Commerce & Classified”.