Different main page "just added" instead of "listings"
I see this front page when I come to my main page tab (which is set to "just-listed") which has three columns and four rows (which I don't like)
Front Page.jpg
Then, at the bottom, when I click on page 2 - I see this single column format, which I like better and would like to have on the main page)
Listings page (after clicking on 2).jpg
Then, when I click back on 1 (not using the back button, but clicking page 1 at the bottom) I see this (which is the format and content I want to have on the main page.
LIstings Page 1 - after clicking back on 1.jpg
Also, you will note that a few of the listings (in fact, on all new listings we're adding) there is an annoying camera icon...
Eventually, I would like to have photos, but I don't want the icon to be the default. Do you know why it's appearing on all new listings now?
These listings also have a TV Set-Looking icon that displays next to them on the "Listings" page in the admin panel.
Sorry for blending the two issues if it's a problem...