A Link In Users Dashboard..
from users dashboard, for your feature-Me plugin there is just the Icon without the text.
Please could you help me to add the description text like your Bump ad plugin that show the message : Bump Ad
I tried by putting the title but the result isn't the same.
function dashboard_listing_actions( $actions, $listing ) {
$listing_status = cp_get_listing_status_name( $listing->ID );
if ( 'live' == $listing_status && $this->can_feature_ad( $listing ) ) {
$f_attr = array('feature_ad' => array(
'title' => '',
'href' => '#',
'class' => 'dashicons-before dashicons-star-filled feature-ad-link',
'data-nonce' => $this->get_nonce( $listing ),
'data-rel' => $listing->ID
$actions = $f_attr + $actions;
return $actions;