Customizing the job preview card/popup
I'm using the on-hover job preview function, but I would like to play around with the settings a little bit.
First, I'd remove the 2nd Job Title (as there are now 3, combined with the search results job listing).
Second, I'd like to get it into this sort of format:
[Job Title] - [Company] [Full-time/Part-time, etc]
[Excerpt] Tempor dictumst augue ut, sed ac phasellus. Ut, in, purus! Auctor dapibus lundium ac et, quis in lacus, nunc ridiculus. Porta auctor. Magna tempor et ridiculus!
[Location] | [Salary] | [Number of Disqus Comments on Post]
Which file(s) do I need to edit in order to achieve this?
Also, any suggestions as to how I would be able to display the number of Disqus comments? My PHP isn't exactly awesome!