Several problems with FXtender Pro
Hi Sebet,
I tried already with lot of settings but got several same problems to use FXtender.
At first the payment gateways are not working by trying to buy job packs. In job listers dashboard the icons are there and chooseable. But wahtever I choose it leads always to the PayPal site. Also the layout showing payment gateways after the "buy button" is not really user friendly. Additionally the generell layout of payment icons and checkfield buttons in Internet Explorer looks ripped off. Icon are far right sided away from checkfields and the checkfields are anywhere out of the border and not in straight position where they normally belong.
As next I've got also the problem that translations of the lang file don't take effect in backend and frontend.
Can you tell me please how to fix this problems that I can start using plugin and jobboard?
I still don't use a child theme and latest version of JobRoller.