Ad Packs?
Ok I'm curious about pricing. I want to offer both free AND paid ads, but want to do so by offering the Free ad for X days (in my case, 15) and the Paid ad for XY days (for me, 30). I set the "charge for ads" option to yes, and then I go in and create some Ad Packs: "Free" and "Paid". I set Free to be 15 days and a price of $0 (zero). I set Paid to be 30 days with a price of $5.00 and all is well. HOWEVER, what seems to be happening, is that when a user creates a FREE ad, even though all the steps indicate a $0.00 price, and the user NEVER leaves the site or sees any payment/paypal gateways, and is told upon ad submission that the ad is complete and "is now live", the ad is actually set to "Pending" and seems like it must be manually "approved" (or changed to Published). How can I make it so that if the price is set to ZERO, the ad is automatically set to Published? If the "charge for ads" option is set to NO, everything seems to work automatically and correctly (ads are changed to Published). But I want the option to allow for both. Thanks!