Can't Log in to admin backend
Hello Classipress Support (Samcy, if you're there?),
I have what appears to be a major problem, however, hopefully it will turn out to be a molehill
and not a mountain
Something went wrong with my site's settings (some months ago) which prevented me from logging in to my admin backend. And a few days ago, after hiring an IT technician to look into the problem and rectify it, I discovered that my site's "theme directory" was missing - which meant that no work could be done on my site at the time.
However, after contacting Classipress support, I downloaded the latest version of Classipress* (*thanks once again) which my IT technician uploaded and installed this morning, and it looks great! Except for one (I hope minor) problem namely: a) my previous African Larder site ( configuration no longer exists, b)
all my (9,000+) page views have disappeared, and c) most important - I am now a "guest" and have no idea whatsoever how to (re-) register as the (owner and) administrator of my site, or gain access to the admin backend?
Additionally, as I have decided to start completely afresh (with a new focus), and not only change my domain name African Larder to another name, but also redirect my site to another ISP, can anyone confirm that I can register a new domain name now - using my existing ISP's settings - and update the (domain name) registrar's A records after my site has been redirected?
Nonetheless -
most important at this stage - is how to (re)register at my site and gain (all-important) access to the admin backend?
Sincere thanks in advance for your expert help and advice.
Kind regards,
Royal Star.