cart, payments, refine results
I have a few questions about Classified 4.
1. For a few weeks I use the template to build a marketplace. In the beginning I also had a cart icon and the link to the shopping cart also worked. A few days ago, I noticed that the link does not work anymore. I have searched and tried but I can not restore the link. Can also put nothing more in the shopping cart. I suspect I have a mistake. How can someone say how I can restore this cart and the link.
2. I would like to set up a commission system and a membership payment system for my marketplace. the "normal user" should pay a certain percentage to me and the "pro user", can buy a membership, this then no commission to pay. Can I do that? I just found either / or.
3. Where can I customize the Refine Results. I need z.b. no radius, but others
4. Payments methods: I would like to expand payment system possibilities, such as Amazon Pay or Paydirekt (German payment system), where and how can I do that?
Would be great if I'm helped.