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Thread: Changing text below header menu

  1. #1
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    masuma's Avatar
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    Changing text below header menu

    Hi, This is probably a very simple question but after searching all the widgets, menus, customize options I can't find what I am looking for
    I want to change the text below the header menu. I am able to change the image but can't find any option to change the text on the image. I just realized i had made some errors in the text but can't find the text editor for that space. Customize option doesn't show that section. Where can I find the text editor for that place?

    Also, Is there a way to change the default price setting from compulsory to optional? Not everyone needs to display a price. It looks strange to have 00 in the price option on the ad. Some services are custom, depending on the order. Advertisers don't want to put a fixed amount.

    And Can i remove the set currency option. I want my advertisers to be able to post their ads with $, or pounds or any other currency and with the option of not adding a price. I have friends who would like to post their listing form other parts of the world but they have different currencies so I don't want the custom currency code currently shown. I want to either have currency as a drop down menu or allow custom text

    How do I make these changes?
    Thank you

  2. #2
    Moderator ovidiubica's Avatar
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  4. #3
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    Moderator ovidiubica's Avatar
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  6. The Following User Says Thank You to ovidiubica For This Useful Post:

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