Checkout process not valid in Germany
Hallo, we have a huge problem with the checkout process. In Germany, the text on the buy-button has to be very specific. Something like "continue" is not allowed. Classipress uses the generic "continue" text even for the buy-button. I can't change that in the language files. I can't change it in the templates either for the following reason: If the users choose Paypal, they are redirected to Paypal right after clicking the button. But if they choose bank transfer, they are redirected to a page with the bank account information and have to click another button to eventually finish the purchase. So, if I change the button on the order summary page to "buy", the users will probably not understand that they have to click again, if the choose bank transfer. Apart from that, the bank account information should always appear AFTER the checkout process is finished. Any chance that you could fix that?
Thanks, Mike