Chinese Translation
I am trying to see if I can implement Chinese translation for my ClassiPress site. I followed the following steps:
1) Installed the "Codestyling Localization" Plugin to generate a zh_CN.po file
2) Use "Codestyling Localization" Edit function to create Chinese Translation on a few words such as "Home", "HomePage Message" ... etc
3) Use "Codestyling Localization" to generate a file.
Then I followed the instruction as per
4) Rename the po/mo files into "classipress-zh_CN.po" and "" respectively
5) Copied these 2 files into "
wp-content/languages/themes/" directory
6) Edit the "
wp-config.php" file at
WP root directory to "define('WPLANG', 'zh_CN'); "
After doing these steps, I launched my homepage and was expecting see the "Home" in Chinese character. Unfortunately it is not. Can you please advise me if I have done everything correctly?
Thanks for help