classipress 4.0.1 child-theme
thanks for all who can answer me !!
I use classipress 3.x until now.
I tried classipress 4.0.1 in local-server (WampServer Version 3.0.6 64bit) and online (Hostgator) I think it's good for both.
I used the file "examples" that comes with classipress to create my own child-theme on the local-server it works well, but when I move the work online it does not work and everything is blocked and it says
Fatal error: Can't use function return value in write context in /home2/.../public_html/.../
wp-content/themes/classipress-child/functions.php on line 43
the line 43 is in the 3rd function "classipress_child_assign_mods_on_activation" that exists in the function file and more precisely the line that contains:
"if (empty (get_theme_mod ('migrated_from_parent'))) {"
so if I remove this function completely by disabling its lines like this "//" :
* This function migrates parent theme mods to the child theme.
//function classipress_child_assign_mods_on_activation() {
//if ( empty( get_theme_mod( 'migrated_from_parent' ) ) ) {
// $theme = get_option( 'stylesheet' );
// update_option( "theme_mods_$theme", get_option( 'theme_mods_classipress' ) );
// set_theme_mod( 'migrated_from_parent', 1 );
//add_action( 'after_switch_theme', 'classipress_child_assign_mods_on_activation' );
the classipress child-theme works very well but I do not know what is the role of this function because I am not specialist so I can't disable it.
I read a lot of articles on the internet that say that this type of error is due to the version of php used by the online server :
PHP version
by the way the version of PHP on the local server is PHP version 5.6.25
but online (hostgator) PHP version 5.4.45
so my question is:
can I disable this function and use the child-theme without problem or what I can do ?
wainting for the answer I returned to classipress 3.x.