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Thread: Classipress (or Wordpress) cache

  1. #1
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    adtractiebv's Avatar
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    Classipress (or Wordpress) cache

    Hello all,

    for a program I use to serve ads on my websites I need to turn off the Classipress cache in order to see if the software works better. The software shows the ads inside widgets, and as long as it are ads which show by impressions or clicks it works just fine.

    But on keywords it does not work properly.

    An example can be seen at

    The top ad next to the car should only show Mercedes-related ads. There are three: one black one with a Mercedes logo, an orange and white one from a company named Wensink, and a tomtom ad, which responds to the word 'navigatiesysteem' which is also inside the text.

    Sadly, also banners from Kia and BMW pop up, which should not happen as their keywords are not located on this page.

    The software has to get the ads straight from the database, and if I flush Classipress cache it works fine for a bit. But as soon as the cache fills up again the problems are back.

    So...does anyone know how to turn of the cache on Classipress and Wordpress, and also explain to me what the effects of turning it off might be?

    Thanks in advance,

  2. #2
    Moderator ovidiubica's Avatar
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    Moderator ovidiubica's Avatar
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