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Thread: Dummies guide to packages and pricing classipress

  1. #1
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    radleycollector's Avatar
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    Dummies guide to packages and pricing classipress

    Hello everyone,

    I did have a programmer that was working on this for me but unfortunatly he did a bunk and now i need to finish set up what he had already been paid to do :/

    I am a littlw confused over what I need to do for what i want. Please bare with me as I am new to setting this up :/

    I have your lovely software and multiport child theme.

    What I need to do is have the following:

    1.Free package, so all members can post free unlimited adverts ( featured adverts not included)

    2. Try it out package, make a one off small charge for one Featured advert but still be able to place free adverts.

    3. Silver Monthly reaccuring Premium Package. A monthly charge for 10 featured averts but still be able to post unlimited normal adverts.

    4. Gold Monthly reaccuring Premium Package. A monthly charge for up to 25 premium adverts but still able to post unlimited normal adverts.

    5. Platinum reaccuring monthly package. A monthly charge for unlimited normal and premiumd featured adverts. All umlimited.

    I have read your guides on seting up packages etc but in all honesty the Pricing and Packages options in classipress are confusing me. its not quite gelling how they are interlaced and wr together to make the above packages.

    I would really appreciate your help in setting up the above ( dummy terms would be appreciated) and sorry for my lack of understanding xx

  2. #2
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    Rolf Hassel (Samcy)

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