External Classipress Function Overides
One of the dozen or so changes I need to go back and document is changing one of the core theme files to allow currency to post in the form of $0,000,000.00.
I've changed some other functions to act differently for my classifieds and plan to build some new functions allowing the "custom fields" to have postfixes. For example, I want the person list the "height of a horse" which is measured in "hands". Thus I created a custom field for "Horse Height", the input being 16.5. But it needs to read on the page "16.5 hands". Thus the custom field needs a postfix of "hands".
Also missing from the custom-fields is some basic field checking for proper content. The first ones I can think of are "numbers" to be numbers, dates (including a jquery date picker), email addresses, and phone numbers.
I have tons of enhancements planned for the Classipress software, all of which I am happy to share with the community but right now I'm having to modify core files... which will be overwritten upon upgrade. Can you offer some ways to modify core files functions/variables without actually touching the files? I'm sure others from the community would enjoy the new features.
~ Seth Carstens, Sethmatics Inc.