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Thread: Facebook sharing debugging and og error status

  1. #1
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    Expired Customer robinm's Avatar
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    Facebook sharing debugging and og error status

    Been struggling away with Facebook sharing and the ad's image NOT appearing when it is shared on FB ... I think I have it sorted as per other forum posts (; I have added code to the child theme's function.php page.

    But there is an error coming up when an ad is edited, with this coming up in the location bar (no ill effects seem to result).
    /wp-admin/post.php?post=552&action=edit&wd_fb_og_status=-2&wd_fb_og_error=Facebook+returned%3A+Invalid+para meter

    and under the FB debugger in "warnings that should be fixed", this error:
    Extraneous properties specified
    The following properties are specified on the webpage but NOT supported for the specified 'og: type': article: published_time, article: modified_time, article: author, article: publisher
    Can anyone advise me how to sort this?

  2. #2
    Moderator ovidiubica's Avatar
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