Featured Listings Ads (prices problem)
Ok.. Let's see if i can get some luck here!
I have a Classipress Theme and i'm having problems with the Feautured Listings ads prices! It will be good if in this section we could edit the prices like the structure for the ads itself! The issue is that the prices isn't calculating properly, given the wrong total! Exemple: one week ad cost £2.50 + featured listings for the same period costs £5.00 the total amount is £7.50 but isntead gives me the total of £15.00 which isn't very good for my business and customer don't feel confortable in do business with me! At present, I'm loosing business just because of this problem. Asked for help long time ago but it looks that this forum isn't help me much! I need contact the Author to find a solution in resolve this issue as quick as possible! As for you, time is money for me too!! I invest in your product in good faith and i would like to receive a decent support for it! AGAIN... I NEED TO SORT THIS PROBLEM ASAP!!!
Best Regards,
Ronaldo Leite
Moderna Enterprises Limited