Food for Thought - user manual & help
Hi there,
I would like to know how something like CP can be created and sold without a user manual.

Can anyone enlighten me? Is there one that I might be missing. I'm sure a lot of frustration and questions could be answered simply by accessing a user manual for answers. I know there are "pages" where help can be sought, and I know there are helpful hints inside the Admin panels, but somehow this information seems to be
unknown to alot of people, and
not user-friendly so far as knowing
where and how to locate the information.
Just a suggestion for anyone at CP who can do so - can you make this information stand out more somehow?
Also, can you make a place for notes. Sometimes I want to make a note about a page for instance, where I found information, who my 'go to' person for help is, or maybe even make notes about a member or business. Can this happen somehow?
I know lots of people view these threads, so if you view this, it would be nice to have your input and thoughts on how we can make this forum better (no matter how negative you feel about something, please try to post your feedback in a diplomatic positive manner). We all spend endless hours trying to work things out (well I know I do anyway) and search the forum for answers before we post a question, in the hope that someone can help (thank God for you who do!!). If you view the forums and know the answer to something, please participate and offer some help. Just looking at all the unanswered threads and seeing how many people view those threads, is beyond me why an answer can't be given. Understandably though, many of the answers have already been given in other threads; yes, I know, sometimes people just need to
search the forums.
Just from reading the threads, its obvious that there is a massive lack of support and much disappointment after we have purchased the theme. Come on you guys, don't leave it up to the same people all the time! They very generously offer their time and advice to help you with your "dream".
Again... I thank these people who ALWAYS come to the party, Bleem, Dimitris, Talent and Rubencio. I'm not a coder and don't know how to help most of you, I'm still learning too, but I will try to help as many as I can (I also work at a real job!).
Food for thought!