I have a few questions in regards to Classipress Theme
Hey guys,
I have some questions in regards to the classipress theme (Flatpress child theme is what i'm using). I figure they are simple but still am having some difficulties. Any input or direction would be great.
1. Is it possible for me to change the header ad banner to 728x90px instead of 468x60px?
2. How can I remove the comment feature on the theme? I do not want any comments to be displayed anywhere throughout the website besides blog posts.
3. Is it possible to make it so... If a user submits an AD, they can choose to pay say $x.xx to have the ad 'bumped' up to the featured slide show at the top, instead of every ad just appearing there? Is there an option so the user can pick that for an Ad and then I can collect payment on it through paypal or another payment gateway?
4. How can I remove the categories list on the main homepage... right under the featured slides, I just want the advertisements to be seen right away instead of so many category list.
Thanks in advance, I hope I can get some reasonable information from there.