I have a question about how ads are treated after a Membership Plan expires?
Please verify my findings, thank you.
Here's my example: Ad submissions and membership plans are paid only. A membership plan is paid for. The plan allows unlimited ads to be placed and discounts the ad price in full by 100%. Later on, the membership plan expires. The user at a date after the expiration of his/her membership plan, wants to re-list an expired ad made under the above membership plan.
When they do, my tests show the ad is re-listed for free, but the status is "offline." This leads me to believe the functions controlling how ads are treated after a membership plan expires, keeps the expired ad status in draft ("Offline"), after verifying no membership plan is active, and will not display the ad until payment is made.
But how does the user pay for the ad? The "Relist" link is displayed beside the ad, but no PayPal graphic is displayed. Clicking the "Relist' link, results in a message echoed back through the browser, "Ad has been relisted." So no payment process is made available. And therefore, no way for the user to pay for their ads which have expired, and were made under the above membership plan. Is this correct?
If so, what is the remedy APP Themes is providing?
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Read, Ask, Do.