How to add content to the widget-listing-content
Please, I have a question,
If I want to add text, image or advertisement to "widget-listing-content" that adds automatically =
So people put their ads, when I publish ads, automatically they can see other content with their contents in the widget-listing-content
I tried this by adding my content to the function:
CP_Widget_Listing_Content (includes/theme-widgets)
Before and after the_content() in
appthemes_before_post_content( get_post_type() );
appthemes_after_post_content( get_post_type() );
In the parent theme, it works verry good but every time if I update classipress everything goes back to the original version.
How to change that in the function of the child theme or how to add a function (which contains what I want to add) to the function.php of the child theme that overrides this function.
thanks for your help