Making another Categories Template to display reduced categories
In the add new page area, you can choose Categories as the template. If this is added as a menu option on let's say the homepage, when you hover that menu button, all categories are displayed in a two column drop down.
I have been trying to make a duplicate of this categories template and when applied and added as a menu option as above, it will drop down on hover but I want it to display a single parent category and all of its subcategories.
To give the exact example, my categories consist of two parent categories and their respective sub categories {Items to trade} and {Services to trade}.
What would I need to do in order to duplicate the categories template (I'm assuming that is tpl-categories.php), call it tpl-services.php and have it as an option I can apply as I did for a categories menu option.
I am fairly au-fait with wordpress but this just seems to be sending me around in circles.
Now, if you would prefer, I can obviously do this in menus by dragging all the subcategories and parents in and arranging them correctly but then the drop down is only single column. Even though I would prefer the cleaner first option as a solution, if thats not possible, then how I can display the menu sub-items in two columns.
Thanks in advance for your help.