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Thread: Membership Packs and Paypal Issue

  1. #1
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    Expired Customer hpclassics's Avatar
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    Membership Packs and Paypal Issue

    I recently had a client renew a Membership Pack. The money from the transaction showed up in my PayPal account, the transaction showed up under Orders in the backend, but the transaction was marked as "Pending" instead of "Complete," so the person did not get the benefits outlined in the Membership Pack. I had to manually mark the transaction as complete, and the expiration date for the membership updated and allowed the user his benefits. I did my own test and had no problems. I don't know if the user did something wrong, or if there was some kind of glitch or error between Classipress and PayPal. Has anybody else ever experienced this or have any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Moderator ovidiubica's Avatar
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