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Thread: Multiple linked drop down fields in forms

  1. #1
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    Expired Customer homz's Avatar
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    Multiple linked drop down fields in forms

    Hello Team,

    I am sure this had been posted, but I couldn't find it. Kindly bear with me.

    ClassiPress: v4.2.5

    I am trying to add a custom drop down fields to my ClassiPress site such that the value of the second and third drop down are activated based on the selection of the values in the first and second respectively as shown in the example below:

    For example if the First drop down is: Type
    Second is: Model
    Third is: Memory
    Fourth .......

    I.e. First drop down (Type) values can be { Xbox, PlayStation}
    If the Type selected is Xbox the second drop down (Model) should auto populate { Xbox one, Xbox one S, Xbox one X}
    If the Type selected is PlayStation the second drop down(Model) should auto populate { PlayStation, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5}

    How do I please go about this, I can add custom drop down fields to the form, but cant do the above. Do we have plugins that can do this? If yes, which one is it please?
    I have reached out to ACF team to ask if I can achieve the above using their plugin, but it's been more than two months and no response, sent couple of follow up emails, but nothing.

    Kindly help.

  2. #2
    Moderator ovidiubica's Avatar
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  3. #3
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    Moderator ovidiubica's Avatar
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