Need Answer on Advanced Search Feature/Category/Form Assignments Please.
The advanced search is built to be used and customized on a category-by-category basis.
Sure, but even though the tool tip says to only use one category per form. I have ten related categories, I have made them as sub-categories of the first. And I have made the settings not allow any ads in the parent categories. My form allows ten sub-categories (2nd tier) to use the same form.
Question: Does the advanced search feature (text or refine search widget), query
all entries made by the same form? Even though there are ten categories using the same form? Even though the tool tip states: "
Select the categories you want this form to be displayed for. Categories not listed are being used on a different form layout. You can only have one category assigned to each form layout. Any unselected categories will use the default ad form.
If this were true (tool tip underlined and bolded), then how am I able to assign ten sub-categories to the same form? All 10 use the same form. How is this possible? See image:
Most important Question I need answered please:
Does the advanced search feature (text or refine search widget), query all entries made by the same form?
Thank you.