Do I need to buy Classipress again?
I see my old posts are from 2010 and in the meantime I just forgot about Classipress.
However it seems that I had it installed on one of my WordPress websites (and so I probably paid for it, so I wonder if I can download the latest version now as a free upgrade

I just probably lost the installation when I moved hosting provider for the zillionst time.
Now I had a look at OpenClassifieds (and I have the free version installed), but I don't like it.
So I suddenly realized there was also Classipress (I forgot the name of it, so it took some time to figure it out)
Now where can I find the standard possibilities of Classipress?
In particular the payment gateways. I have Paypal, Stripe and Skrill accounts and I would like to accept Bitcoin.
Can it be set multi-currency (like Aliexpress?)
Can it be set Ebay-style? I mean a Buy Now and and a Bid Now button.
Can pricing be mixed? Free categories, free categories with paid subcategories, paid categories with surcharged subcategories?
Pricing plans like top up and featured. And advertize longer than the default time with a discount?