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Thread: New Classipress Requirement for Featured Listing

  1. #1
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    jtaylor912's Avatar
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    New Classipress Requirement for Featured Listing

    New Classipress Requirement: Featured Listings MUST send the user to PayPal or whatever preferred gateway provider is selected for use regardless of whether the Listing type is "Pay by listing" or "Pay by membership with unlimited postings during Membership period"

    Very few people can get the featured listing functionality working and those that do only get it working with the "pay by listing approach" and only when it's selected at the time of the listing being created for the first time. This is not acceptable. Someone may choose to pay later to make their listing featured.

    "Featured Listing" is about the the specific "Listing" not which type of Pay plan is being used, whether its pay by listing, pay by membership, or otherwise. Right now it is associated with the pay plan, not the listing. This is not acceptable. Featured Listings do NOT work at all for membership type pay plans, which means it's turned off or for this functionality or not accessible to that type of pay plan, thereby, proving featured listing is associated with the pay plan and not the listing.

    How to meet this requirement:

    //When user is editing their listing for the first time or any time thereafter
    IF (Featured Listing Current == TRUE && Featured Listing Previous ==FALSE) {
    trigger gateway provider regardless of pay plan (by listing or by membership)
    }ELSE {//Either Featured listing is already paid for or Featured Listing is NOT selected
    //continue as you normally do with whatever code executes now

    It's not that difficult really. That's the logic. Don't get it all wrapped up in the type of pay plan. It has nothing to do with it. I'm using the membership approach and mine doesn't work. I'm going to have to figit with the code to get it to work each time, every time. I don't have time for this but looks like I'm going to have to make the time.

  2. #2
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