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Thread: Remove Welcome Back from user sidebar

  1. #1
    Thread Starter
    Expired Customer rainerboeke's Avatar
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    Remove Welcome Back from user sidebar


    I like to remove the welcome back widget from the user sidebar. What do I have to comment out in the sidebar.php using classipress theme? Thanks in advance....

    * Generic Sidebar template.
    * @package ClassiPress\Templates
    * @author AppThemes
    * @since ClassiPress 1.0

    global $cp_options;

    <div class="content_right">

    if ( is_page_template( 'tpl-ads-home.php' ) ) {

    $current_user = wp_get_current_user();

    <div id="welcome_widget" class="shadowblock_out">

    <div class="shadowblock">

    <?php if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) { ?>

    <?php cp_display_message( 'welcome' ); ?>
    <a href="<?php echo appthemes_get_registration_url(); ?>" class="btn_orange"><?php _e( 'Join Now!', APP_TD ); ?></a>

    <?php } else { ?>

    <div class="avatar"><?php appthemes_get_profile_pic( $current_user->ID, $current_user->user_email, 150 ); ?></div>

    <div class="user">

    <p class="welcome-back"><?php _e( 'Welcome back,', APP_TD ); ?> <strong><?php echo $current_user->display_name; ?></strong>.</p>
    <p class="last-login"><?php _e( 'Last logged in:', APP_TD ); ?> <?php echo appthemes_get_last_login( $current_user->ID ); ?></p>
    <p><?php _e( 'Manage your ads or edit your profile from your personalized profile.', APP_TD ); ?></p>

    </div><!-- /user -->

    <div class="welcome-buttons">
    <a href="<?php echo CP_DASHBOARD_URL; ?>" class="btn_orange"><?php _e( 'Manage Ads', APP_TD ); ?></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="<?php echo CP_PROFILE_URL; ?>" class="btn_orange"><?php _e( 'Edit Profile', APP_TD ); ?></a>

    <div class="clr"></div>

    <?php } ?>

    </div><!-- /shadowblock -->

    </div><!-- /shadowblock_out -->

    <?php } ?>

    if ( is_tax( APP_TAX_CAT ) ) {
    // go get the taxonomy category id so we can filter with it
    // have to use slug instead of name otherwise it'll break with multi-word cats
    if ( ! isset( $filter ) ) {
    $filter = '';

    $ad_cat_array = get_term_by( 'slug', get_query_var( APP_TAX_CAT ), APP_TAX_CAT, ARRAY_A, $filter );

    // build the advanced sidebar search
    cp_show_refine_search( $ad_cat_array['term_id'] );

    } else if ( is_search() ) {

    // build the advanced sidebar search
    cp_show_refine_search( get_query_var( 'scat' ) );

    } // is_search

    <?php appthemes_before_sidebar_widgets( 'main' ); ?>

    <?php if ( ! dynamic_sidebar( 'sidebar_main' ) ) : ?>

    <!-- no dynamic sidebar setup -->

    <div class="shadowblock_out">

    <div class="shadowblock">

    <h2 class="dotted"><?php _e( 'Meta', APP_TD ); ?></h2>

    <?php wp_register(); ?>
    <li><?php wp_loginout(); ?></li>
    <li><a target="_blank" href="" title="Premium WordPress Themes">AppThemes</a></li>
    <li><a target="_blank" href="" title="Powered by WordPress">WordPress</a></li>
    <?php wp_meta(); ?>

    <div class="clr"></div>

    </div><!-- /shadowblock -->

    </div><!-- /shadowblock_out -->

    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php appthemes_after_sidebar_widgets( 'main' ); ?>

    </div><!-- /content_right -->

  2. #2
    dimitris's Avatar
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