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Thread: Is there a log file for me to look at?

  1. #1
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    Expired Customer xsli2's Avatar
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    Is there a log file for me to look at?

    Dear Sir:

    I am wondering if there is a log file for me to look at?

    Sometimes, when I click an ad link, it keeps spinning forever and the status on the left corner of my browser says "connecting..." (by the way, I am running on my local computer using MAMP, no internet is needed). After I click 'X' on the browser, the spinning stopped and the ad I expected was displayed. It seems it is looking for something and it never finds it. As said, this problem only happens occasionally and this makes it more difficult to debug. This problem will kill my users and kill me!

    Thank you for your help!

  2. #2
    Marketplace Seller thesyndicate's Avatar
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    I love to help out you out but please read this first Have you tried to install in a root domain? Have you tried to Resave permalinks? Have you tried to disable all plug in? Have you tried the default theme of Wordpress?

    ++ If the issue is fixed consider closing the thread and change to solved, thank you for helping us helping you. ++

  3. #3
    talent's Avatar
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  5. #5
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