Thumbnail Pics Not Showing in Old Posts After Upgrade
After upgrading from 2.9. to 3.0.1 (with a lot of help from Pepsi

) all of the photos that were previously added to posts do not show thumbnails anymore. It just displays a white square. When you click on the ad, the images do not show inside also. Although, if you click where the image should be.. it does show.
I have images saved in the /
wp-content/uploads/classipress folder and all new posts show the images no problem.
I had my previous permalinks set to /%category%/%postname%/ but changed them to /%postname%/ before the upgrade. It was suggested that I tried going back to /%category%/%postname%/ to see if that helped, but unfortunately it didn't.
David took a look and said the only thing he noticed was that for some reason this file "timthumb.php" isn't found when he tries to access it. He suggested to try changing the permissions on the file, or uploading it again, both of which were done, but still didn't fix the problem.
Pepsi and David are both working on this problem, but as of yet we have not found a fix. Just wondered if there were any more experienced coders out there that might be able to shed a little light on the problem.