Where i have to post what
Hi there,
for my social community project i have questions and suggestions. for example a
stylesheet guid or better a collection. The guy who designt and build classipress, let me say it so. The workflow/thinking how to code is more to "What i think" i have to understand and not the costumers hwo have to fight with naming example stylesheets.
I have to search a ton of post to find some i need to change some on my classipress webside.
So when i post: Hey guy let us collect our stylesheet tricks and knowlege to get an easer way for costumers yet and for future customers.
Where shoult i post the thread? here or in the general forum?
and a suggestion to this thread to the support and coding stuff
/*Comments to any style funtion in the both? CSS files */
would us customers help ALLOT

For example:
we dont understand "trail-item.trail-end, now one does it exept the coding stuff. As a german who LOVES beeing efficent and precicely.
And sorry say but thats a slap and nogo to any customers the you as support and codeteam dont get this simple idea by yourself.
In my oppinion every part of stylefunction has to look like that
/* Breadcrumb Nav - hide last name in breadcrumbs*/
/* End*/
Have a nice day