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Thread: Bug Report: Orphaned Data in Table After Store Deletion

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    Senior Member raviz's Avatar
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    Bug Report: Orphaned Data in Table After Store Deletion

    After deleting a store from the wp-admin dashboard, the corresponding data in the wp_clpr_storesmeta table is not being removed. Specifically, the following fields remain in the table:

    • image id
    • store url
    • create field from custom form
    • clpr_store_aff_url
    • clpr_store_featured

    For reference, please compare the store data between the following two tables to ensure consistency:

    • wp_clpr_storesmeta (data is not deleted)
    • wp_term_taxonomy (data is deleted)

    Could you investigate why this data is not being deleted upon store removal and suggest a solution to ensure proper cleanup?

    Additionally, are there any hooks or functions we can use to automatically delete associated metadata from this table when a store is deleted?

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