Clipper 2.0.7 on Wordpress 4.9.x
Hi Jomark - I am looking at an upgrade to the latest Clipper, 2.0.7 now that the bugs with Wordpress and store image bugs are no more. However, I am currently running the latest Wordpress 4.9.x and Clipper 1.6.4 so I want to first a.) upgrade from Clipper 1.6.4 to Clipper 2.0.7 and then upgrade to the latest Wordpress 5.5 as a second step after testing.
Can you do me a favor and test a Clipper 2.0.7 on Wordpress 4.9.x? I know that Clipper 2.x was first installed and brought out when Wordpress 4.9 was being used so there should be no reason why it would not work on 4.9.x but I would appreciate a test run from you before I get into it...