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Thread: Issue with stores and coupon detail redirects when no trailing slash present

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    clickscience's Avatar
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    Issue with stores and coupon detail redirects when no trailing slash present


    I am having some issues where some store links without a trailing slash are redirecting to random coupon detail pages (which are no indexed). I discovered this after some key pages on my website went missing from Google because of this and I am still trying to recover from this website error.

    After reviewing my .htaccess file and disabling themes and plugins it seems that this is Clipper related. I am a bit peeved (as I am losing money because of it) but the theme has been good to me for a long time and I am hoping this is just a bug.

    A few questions come to mind:

    1. Was this issue ( updated in the newest version of the Clipper theme?
    2. How does Clipper manage redirection rules separate from the WordPress core files?
    3. How does Clipper manage permalink / page rename rules relative to the WordPress core?
    4. Is there a way to update or disable this behavior in the theme?
    4. How can I delete any rules that have been put in place? I don't want redirects to be managed for me... I want to manage everything in a separate redirect file... to avoid issues like this in the future.

    FYI - I am running the newest version of Clipper on a VPS Linux server with no modifications to .htaccess file besides the WordPress permalinks added one.

  2. #2
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