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Thread: Linking stores and users

  1. #1
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    Expired Customer chrelyne's Avatar
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    Linking stores and users


    I do not know anything about coding, but I am looking to link the users and the stores on my clipper site. Right now, when posting a coupon, there is an option to choose the store the coupon applies to. I do not want this. Instead I would like there to be an a required field on the registration page asking for the user's store. My site if for business owners to make accounts and to post coupons for their business' and nobody else's business'. With the default build of clipper, one user isn't directly linked to one business.

    Is there a way to add a "Store Name:" required field, when registering for an account?
    If there a way to add a "Store Name:" required field, is there a way to make clipper recognize when a specific user makes a coupon on for site, that coupon will automatically fall under the linked store?

    I do NOT want a user to post a coupon on more than one store. Each account should be allowed access to edit and post for one store and one store only.

  2. #2
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