Questions RE: latest Clipper version
1. Where did /clipper/includes/theme-functions.php go to, or, what file replaced it? I had made changes to 1.4, the changes is still there, however I need to modify it again in 1.5 and can't find it.
2. I had modified the code to use the Featured Slider in 1.4 so that it chose random stores to show, it stopped working with 1.5, so how can I make changes with the new version?
3. Where can I change the store list column width? It looks like it could be spread out a bit more, too many stores are taking up 2 rows (like previous version) and it needs fixing.
4. I'm using
WP multisite, is it possible to add the store search to another network site, easily? I realize it would require programming, just hoping a mod could chime in or someone else would be willing to share.
Appreciate any help.