HIREBEE Automated Email Notification - Any Updates?
Wordpress Version: 4.7.4
Running: Hirebee Child Theme
Hosted on a localhost MySQL MAMP Stack at the moment as we are in the early stages of development.
I have read through a number of posts regarding automated email notifications for the following events:
1. Email notification when user registers
2. Email notification when new job is posted in user category
3. Email notification when proposals are sent to employers
4. Email notification when responses are sent in either direction (freelancer -> employer or vice versa)
I poked around in the notifications.php file located in /includes. It seems that many of these features are included in the latest version of the theme, however I have not been able to implement them, or so it seems. Throughout my testing (using temporary email addresses), I have received no email notifications for any of the above listed instances.
All of the solutions I have discovered in the forum seem either inadequate or have a cost attached. I'd like to know if there is a way to do this without paying before I spend money on plugins that have not been tested.
Possible solutions:
Confirm Email Plugin by AppThemes - $9 one time (included with AppThemes full membership)
Automessage by wpmudev - $49/mo
RSS to email with MailChimp
Am I missing something when attempting to implement this feature? Please advise.