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Thread: HireBee Features

  1. #1
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    Expired Customer ninjaray's Avatar
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    HireBee Features

    I have a few questions so that I can better understand the functionality of HireBee.

    We’re simply trying to build a site where service providers can list their services and fees and users can review those services and buy them. I may just be confusing the terminology you’re using to describe those two distinct sets of people, so hopefully you can clarify for me:

    ·******** How does a regular user/buyer (are they called "Employers"?) initiate a purchase or request the service from a provider/freelancer?

    ·******** How does a provider/freelancer list a service or project that they are offering?

    ·******** How are Freelancers able to add their logo or image as their Avatar in the Profile section?

    ·******** Am I understanding that only “Employers” can post a “Project” looking for a specific service and then service providers have to respond? We’re simply looking for a plumber or electrician to be able to offer a service, a user to see the service, reach out to the plumber and contract for the work. Is this an option?

    ·******** What is the function of Apply to Project?

    ·******** What prompts the "Not enough credits to continue" message? Why/when are credits necessary?

    We started with Taskerr since it allowed for “Freelancers” to post a project, but then found out there is no way to charge hourly, allow freelancer to create an estimate based on the details of a particular job, no escrow support and the option for admin to charge a percentage of sale was never implemented.

    Would appreciate any details or feedback on the above.



  2. #2
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    Please help our moderating team work more efficiently by not sending us support questions via PM. You can read more about how AppThemes support works here. However, you can send a PM to follow up and remind me if I missed your support request/thread.

    Thank you and have a nice day.

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