I'm having these problems with Hirebee
1) Geolocation is not working. I've entered several google API keys from multiple accounts and it still shows the "oops, something went wrong" error
2) File upload popup box in the new project application is blank when it opens and only shows a "close box" button in the upper right hand corner
3) I've installed a plugin for registration, but I'd rather use the Hirebee registration form, which does not appear on the registration page
4) I don't quite understand how the "bank transfer" or "balanced payment" payment options work, since there's only a text box for the former and an api key box for the latter on the settings page. Can someone clarify?
5) Counter on the "clarification" and "proposals" tabs aren't counting
6) There doesn't appear to be an option to pay for projects that are not paid for in the initial submission and are pending payment
Please help. Thank you.