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Thread: Loco Language Update

  1. #1
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    Expired Customer aga2442's Avatar
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    Loco Language Update

    Hello There!

    We upgraded to the new version of WordPress. We uploaded the backups of the .PO and .MO files to the hirebee.pot file. When we sync from Template edit section, there are about 17 translations. We did it in accordance with the disclosures on your website but it did not.

    Namely, We did everything necessary properly, but all the words did not change. In the past, we have translated every word into Turkish. Now, Half of the letters in the website are in English, half in Turkish. When I try to edit, some words can be edited, but some words do not change.

    We have also implemented the links that are written in this topic. But the result is still the same. Could it be that the hirebee.pot file is corrupted after updating? It looks like there are 17 words in the pot file. Normally there were 1918 words.

  2. #2
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