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Thread: Several questions about ideas

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    Several questions about ideas

    Hello, I purchased the Club package and I am testing the Ideas Theme and have some questions about it, for sure you can help me:

    1) I am testing to post as a third party on another browser without access to my WP Dashboard but still the default user for an idea is "Admin" instead of the user that registered to publish it. How can I make this to be set automatically and by default to the user actually submiting the idea? I dont want to manually set the user that submited the idea when I approve the post.

    2) I´ve created Sub Categories but I would like to prevent the users to publish things on the parent categories allowing them only to select the sub category on the list. Is this possible?

    3) Does the Theme or any good plugin compatible with the Theme allows me to show Categories in a Tree Like menu way so people can browse each subcategories by pressing the "+" buttons?

    I found a couple but I was unable to make them work.

    4) How can I edit the footer without touching the code on the footer.php file? "Ideas Theme by AppThemes | Powered by WordPress"

    5) When offering the user a search, is there a way he can check where to search? For example if I have a los of categories and sub categories it would be good if the user can search within those categories.

    6) I think there is an error. When I write an idea as a Wordpress Administrator (not neccesarily "admin") I am receiving an email with a message asking me to approve the idea. If I am the administrator the idea shouldnt be automatically approved?. No need to send an email with this either right?

    7) I am using the plugin "ShareIT" which is well known and suggested by you guys too. I explicitly defined not to show the Sharing buttons on the Submite Idea page but still they are being shown. Maybe your team can take a look at this strange behavior?

    8) Where can I change the "I wish you had..." text on the Submit Idea page?

    9) I am not using the site for a private company submission of ideas. There will probably not be Responses on the website so it would be good if I have a way to take away the "X Responses" on the top right side of the website. How can I do this? The same way would be nice to take the responses out from the Ideas itself before clicking on it.

    10) Is there anyway to add the voting button hands Outside, on the preview stage before clicking on the idea itself?

    11) I couldnt find a way to change the Site title, as its showing by default "Ideas".

    Other questions:

    4) What is the forum platform you are using on AppThemes Support and how can I get it? Does any of your themes include the forum already set up? Any easy way to migrate stuff from other forums like PHPBB?

    5) Does the Job Roller application has a functionality to get the users profile from LinkedIn so that they dont have to enter every single details about themselves (again)? If the theme doesnt allow this, do you know a plugin that would allow me to do this?

    6) Is it easy to implement Paypal payment for the plans I would create on the different themes? I am not a designer nor a developer but still I am an IT guy so its important for me to be able to do it.

    Thanks in advance for your time and support.

    Fernando Scheps

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